Summer Camp Registration Tips
In order to best prepare for Summer Camp Registration, review the tips and watch the clips below relating to creating an account in our online registration system, purchasing or renewing membership, navigating the registration system, and more.
Purchasing a Friends of Briar Bush Membership
As most camps fill at the opening of Members-Only Registration, it may be in your best interest to purchase a FOBB Membership at the Household Level or above to have access to Summer Camp Registration before the general public. It is recommended to purchase the membership in advance of registration so you will just need to select camps when registration opens. Watch the clip below to learn how to purchase a membership. If you need to renew your membership, follow the links sent via email or call BBNC. Please note that purchasing a membership does not guarantee spaces in camp.
Logging in to your Account
If you have previously purchased a membership or program, an account was created for you in the registration system. If you know your User ID and Password, practice logging in to the system to prepare for Summer Camp Registration. If you do not know your User ID or Password, watch the clip below to learn how to retrieve your account information. If you have any issues accessing your account, please call BBNC.
Accessing Summer Camp Programs for Registration
Click the registration buttons on the website to access the Summer Camp registration page. The links will be available in January, but registration will only be accessible to members from Monday, January 29th at 12:00pm to Tuesday, January 30th at 11:59am. Watch the clip below to learn how to access the registration links. Please note that the links in the video are not hyperlinked, but will be soon.
Registering for Summer Camp Programs
- One or More Children in the Same Camp Group
Watch the clip below to learn how to register one or more children for the same Summer Camp age group.
Here are some helpful tips:
The video below shows logging in to your account during the registration process, but registration may be faster if you log in to your account before starting registration.
Once logged in, the next page will prompt you to add the number of children you would like to register in that age group. Select the appropriate number in the dropdown box. Please note that the video does not show the dropdown box opening.
Complete the required information for each child. If you have registered your children for programs previously, you can click "Add Someone I've Signed Up Before" and select the child's name to autofill their information.
The next page lists the waiver forms that must be completed in order to register. However, you can skip the forms until after you have selected your camp programs by clicking the "Session Events" bubble in the progress bar.
On the "Session Events" page, select from the list of programs to add them to your child's schedule. If you are registering more than one child for this camp group, be sure to select the schedule for the first child, then select the next child from the dropdown box and add the programs to their schedule.
When finished selecting programs, click "Continue." You will be taken to the cart.
Since the waiver forms were skipped earlier, click "Fix It" and you will be returned to the forms page. Complete all waiver forms. The camp weeks you selected earlier will still be on your child's schedule while completing the forms.
After completing the forms, click the "Cart" bubble in the progress bar. Review your order. If you hold an active FOBB Membership at one of the appropriate levels or an Abington Township Resident Discount, the discount will be shown in the cart.
Please note that if you delete anything from the cart, the camp spaces you held will be removed.
Click "Checkout." Complete your billing information and click "Make Payment."
You will receive a confirmation email of your order.
There is no guarantee that the camp spaces will be held if they are in the cart for an extended period of time.
Registering for Summer Camp Programs
- One or More Children in Different Camp Groups
Watch the clip below to learn how to register one or more children for different Summer Camp age groups.
Here are some helpful tips:
With the first set of camps in the cart, you will see the "Fix It" message for forms (explained above), but do not complete the forms just yet; wait until you've added the other camp types to the cart.
To register your child(ren) for other camp types, click "Keep Shopping" found in the lower left corner of the cart page. This link will take you back to the main registration page.
Click the camp type that you would like to register for next, then repeat the same steps outlined above.
Click "Keep Shopping" until you have all camp types you need in your cart.
Since the waiver forms were skipped earlier, click "Fix It" and you will be returned to the forms page. Complete all waiver forms. The camp weeks you selected earlier will still be on your child's schedule while completing the forms.
After completing the forms, click the "Cart" bubble in the progress bar. Complete remaining waiver forms if necessary. Review your order. If you hold an active FOBB Membership at one of the appropriate levels or an Abington Township Resident Discount, the discount will be shown in the cart.
Click "Checkout." Complete your billing information and click "Make Payment."
You will receive a confirmation email of your order.
There is no guarantee that the camp spaces will be held if they are in the cart for an extended period of time.
Important Notes
If you need assistance with registration, call BBNC. However, please understand that our small staff can only support four phone lines at a time and we do not have a phone queue. As registration day is very busy, it may be best to keep calling rather than leaving a message.
Your child must be the required age in order to participate in that camp age group. Children cannot repeat camp themes. Children ages 4-6 can only participate in Seedlings AM OR PM, not both, during the same week. We cannot make exceptions.
Please be aware that our camps have limited spaces and fill VERY quickly, so you may not be able to secure a spot, even if you've purchased a membership and prepared in advance. We cannot guarantee spaces or exceed capacity.
If the week(s) you were interested in registering for are not visible on the "Session Events" page, the program is full. Please call to be added to the waiting list. Although the waiting list can be long, we highly encourage utilizing the list as cancellations may occur. In previous years, we have made it to families at the end of the list for some weeks since others declined.
Extended Care registration remains open until the Thursday before the next camp week. Focus on securing camp weeks before registering for Extended Care.
If you have any questions, please call Briar Bush Nature Center at
(215) 887-6603 or email Melissa Eldridge, Program and Summer Camp Director, at melissa@briarbush.org.